
Nunavut 3000 Goals and Objectives

The goal of Nunavut 3000 is to leverage the capacity of NHC and other housing sector stakeholders to deliver 3,000 new units across the housing continuum in Nunavut by 2030.

Nunavut 3000 intends to achieve its program goals and maximize costs efficiencies by undertaking a range of approaches. Objectives for delivery include:

Investing for scale efficiencies
Optimizing and standardizing housing design
Leveraging expertise, resources, and funding through partnerships
Working with municipalities and the Nunavut Safety Services Division to streamline development processes
Implementing procurement innovations that support supply chain options and enhance the resiliency and competitiveness of the local housing market


Nunavut 3000

Nunavut 3000 will create more housing for Nunavummiut by developing partnerships and investing in innovative construction methods that increase efficiency and decrease costs.

By working with communities, Inuit organizations, housing sector stakeholders, and all Nunavummiut, the Nunavut Housing Corporation is dedicated to realizing the vision of Nunavut 3000 to build healthy communities, support training and local economic development, and expand the housing continuum in Nunavut.